Today is my wonderful husband's 50th birthday!
For the past 7 months my sweet husband has been kind enough to remind me that I am 50 and that he is not!! Well, today is the day that he turns 50, so once again, he is the same age as me.
Finally, no more teasing about me being soooo old! Now he knows how it feels. I have to say that it doesn't seem to be bothering him either about turning 50, it's going to happen so why be depressed.The years keep going and so do our ages. We figure that as long as we don't act our age it is okay to keep having birthdays!!
He has been on vacation this week so it was good to spend most of today with him. I have had a few happys for him to open throughout the day, like chattering teeth, in case he needs to replace his, a small construction cone to put out when he is having a senior moment and things like that. I am saving the rest for when the children get here so we can have cake and open the rest of his special presents! Payback is fun!!!!
When it was Angela's, Zach's and Ben's birthdays I listed things about them that matched their ages but with Steve turning 50, I don't know if I can think of that many, ha ha
I will just say this about him:
He is a man who loves the Lord and his family with his whole heart. He is kind and compassionate. He has a wonderful sense of humor. He is very smart and knows so much about so many different things. He makes me laugh and has the most beautiful smile and twinkling eyes of anyone I have ever met.
I could go on and on but I will stop with:
Happy Birthday Honey, I love you very much!!
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