We watch football all day on Saturday and from the time we get home from church on Sunday till we go to bed. There are games after games after games. We watch mostly SEC games but occasionally we will watch other conferences. We cheer for our Ole Miss Rebels first and foremost! This is a team near and dear to our hearts. Steve and I are both graduates from Ole Miss and we have a niece that is attending there now. Even though Angela and Ben went to other colleges, they too, have a heart for Ole Miss. I think even Zach is getting fonder of Ole Miss even though he is a very devoted Tennessee fan.
I love the fall for other reasons besides football. I love watching the leaves change colors. The vibrant colors are so amazing and inspiring. I love the smells in the fall. When you get up on a crisp morning, it is almost like you can smell the new day dawning. I love the smell of the tobacco being smoked in nearby barns. I look at the trees as their leaves begin to fall and wonder if it makes them sad to loose them. It seems that on a crisp fall day that you can touch the blue sky because it seems so very close and vivid.
Fall in the Shaw family means plenty of birthdays. It seems like every week someone is having a birthday. Steve's dads was last week, his sister's is this week and Steve's is next week. It is interesting having so many birthdays in one month. We were able to go see Steve's dad last week for his birthday and I think they will be able to come see him for his birthday on the 24th. He will be turning 50 and I know they want to help celebrate this milestone birthday. I guess we will just be able to call his sister for her birthday. She lives pretty far from us so it is harder to get together.
Fall has many things to enjoy. I will always love this time of year and the things that come with it. Football, changes in the weather, vibrant colors, crisp days, and of course celebrating these times with family. After all family is what makes these things that much sweeter!!!
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