Ben was able to come home last Friday and stayed until Tuesday afternoon. He brought with him his wonderful smile and laugh, his guitar to entertain and his laundry that would fill an entire laundromat. I sure was glad to see him and enjoy his company. I even did most of his laundry. My mom was very glad to see him as well. She has been staying with us for most of the month of October. So the timing of fall break was perfect. Ben was able to have a little time with all of us. Ben and I did one of our fun things while he was home and that was to take a trip to Sam's Club. We are both very impulsive shoppers so when you get us together in Sam's, my checking account can take a hit. We went in there for TP, washing powder and coffee beans but came out with books, juice, water, cinnamon rolls, ink pens and much more. We always have a good time there.
When he went back to school on Tuesday, mom and I had Wednesday to get laundry done and get ready for our trip to Knoxville to visit Angela and Zach. We had already had tickets to the UT game on Saturday before we knew mom was going to be here with us, so Angela suggested that we bring mom to Knoxville with us and that we could take her up to Gatlinburg and drive around the mountains and show her around the area. Mom was excited about that since she had never spent any time in east Tennessee. Mom and I went on Thursday and then Steve came up on Saturday in time for the game. Mom stayed at Angela's and Zach's while we went to the football game. She was very glad for the chance to see where her grandaughter and grandson-in-law live, to meet their dog, Jere, and the newest addition to the family, Pickles the kitten, AKA Kitty, and to see some of the mountains. We were a little disappointed because the day we had planned to drive into the mountain area was drizzly and rainy so she didn't get to see as much as she wanted too but was still happy to be there.
We got home last night and of this morning, fall break is over, how sad is that? The time went fast and now it is time to move on with the school year. I am glad that I had a good fall break and now I am looking forward to Thanksgiving break and then on to Christmas break.!!!!!
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