It was a normal Sunday morning at the Shaw home, or so I thought! I was in the state of not being fully awake to stretching and yawning getting ready for a new day when suddenly the phone rang, it was one of the Sunday School teachers telling us that he wouldn't be there for his class this morning. I was glad that he called so we could make arrangements when we got to church, but what I couldn't figure out is why he called so early, the clock said 6:30. I just shrugged and hung up the phone. I still had 15 more minutes to enjoy the morning before I would get up and start my day. I got up at 6:45 feeling refreshed and ready for my coffee and the rest of what the day would bring. I got into the bathroom and looked at the clock in there and not believing what I was seeing walked quickly to the kitchen to look at the clock in there, all the clocks were reading out the time of 7:55, not the 6:55 time that I thought it was.
Then I remembered that we had gotten a clock that would automatically reset when it was day light saving time. BUT GUESS WHAT? IT WAS NOT DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME!!!!!! ( We copied Angela and Zach's clock that they had gotten for a wedding present.) I had thought how neat it would be not having to remember to set my clock those two times when the time changed!!
I never really had a problem remembering when to change our clocks before because the spring time change was the weekend after my birthday and the fall change was the weekend after Steve's birthday in October. What I had forgotten this year, is that the government decided to make daylight savings time last longer so the time change to spring forward this year was in March and the time to fall back is in November. The spring time change and not remembering to change the clock didn't have any affect on us. But, this one made us late!! We ended up with our extra hour today and then I guess we will get another hour when the time really does change!! (whenever that is!)
I am not someone who likes to be late, in fact that is something that Steve and I have had issues with over the years. I was brought up that you are not late to things instead you should be early. He was brought up to get there when you can. I know that when I yelled out "Steve, get up, we are late, the clock is wrong" really got his attention this morning. I made phone calls to let the leadership at church know that we would be late. It made me so irritated at myself that I let this happen but then I realized, how did I know that the clock would reset itself like it did? I realized that sometimes we put undue stress on ourselves because we think we are the only ones that can do certain things.
What happened this morning reminded me that we should control the controllable. I couldn't control the fact that we were late this morning, it was just one of those things that happen. I think I handled things okay for me but as I got ready, I had to laugh that the more I tried to hurry, the more little things happened. Like I thought, I won't wash my hair but when I got in the shower as I was planning out step by step how I would get things ready to go, I realized that I was washing my hair, then I was getting out my makeup and dropped part of it on the floor, then I couldn't find my other earring. Nothing, it seemed was easy this morning.
I realized that with this experience that I have changed my way of dealing with things like this. I didn't get mad and try to blame anyone, I didn't stay stressed on the 30 minute drive to church, I was able to laugh and tell how technology got the better of me this morning.
Life is too short to stay upset over things that are out our control. I hate the fact that we were late this morning but I am happy in the fact that I didn't let the situation get the better of me. But, you better belie