"It's time to begin again, you need to put words on paper. You need to move on with the things I am calling you to do. I am calling you, do you hear Me?"
These are the words swarming in my head. I can't ignore them any longer. I know He is getting my attention and I know that it is time to pull my head from the sand and open up to what He is directing me to do. I know in my heart that He has called me to be an encourager to women. I hear His call to become a speaker but am limited by my own doubts and fears. When will I learn that my strength lies in Him and not my own abilities?
Hebrews 12: 1-2 tells me, "And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. 2 We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith.
I am reminded that I need to complete the race He has called me to run. It's time for me to begin again. I am putting the past behind me and looking to finish the race He is calling me to run!
I am at the starting line ready to go! I know I may run into road blocks along the way but I know that I am not alone in this race and He will direct my path!
Monday, September 3, 2012
Monday, January 11, 2010
Traveling Through......

I think everyone has one or more favorite verses from the Bible that have special meaning to them. I am no exception!! If someone were to ask me what my favorite verse is today I would say, Romans 15:13, Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing that you may abound in hope in the power of the Holy Spirit. This verse has brought me much comfort over the past few months and has been applicable in many areas of my life.
As I began to seek the Lord for a clear direction in my walk with Him, I feel as if He is calling me to travel with Him through the book of Psalms. I have run to these precious chapters in His Word at various times in my life. I have looked to them for refreshment, for comfort, for strength and for peace, but I have to say I was a surface reader. I read them for what they could give at that moment but I did not take the time to really study or meditate on them.
I guess maybe I am getting the idea from a recent movie, Julie and Julia, to make the commitment to blog about my travels through the book of Psalms but this is a wonderful way to help me be accountable to follow through with this commitment. I am excited and apprehensive at the same time to begin an endeavor such as this. I will still have work, two graduate classes, travels to Memphis to spend time with my mom, a grand baby coming in April, and I am sure many more reasons that I could come up with to not do this right now but I know that I am not alone in this journey and that He will help me. There are 150 chapters in the book of Psalms and I know that things will come up that could keep me from studying every day so I will set the date of May 31st to be finished with this journey.
As I write this I am smiling with anticipation of what treasures He will reveal to me as we walk this road together. :)
Let the travels begin!!!!
Friday, January 1, 2010
New Beginnings
The word NEW has several different meanings:
- recently made
- first hand
- replacing the existing one
- recently discovered
I also like the definition of new that refers to things recently discovered. Over the past few months I have discovered that I can be a new graduate student and make good grades, I can handle new transitions at my job, and best of all I will be learning to be a new grandmother around the middle of April!!
I realize that life is full of new things to be discovered. As I begin this new year, I hope to look for the new things in different areas of my life with joy and anticipation.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Spring Break
Spring break is always a welcome time in the life of an educator. I look forward to this week off as much if not more than the children at my school. This year is no exception. I have made some plans for the week but I have also left some time to do what ever I want. I spent some of that time today reading a book. It has been so long since I have been able to put things aside and just read for the pleasure of reading. It was so nice and peaceful to do that for awhile today.
Yesterday I went to Murfreesboro to spend some time with my son, Ben. We had a great time despite the fact he got called into work for a few hours. I did his laundry for him (what a great mom I am!!!) while he was working and then he took me to dinner for my birthday (which is Thursday) and then we walked around "The Avenue" for a little while. The day zoomed by and before I knew it I had to leave to come home. As I drove home I couldn't help but wonder where had the time gone. It is hard not seeing him more than I do but I am thankful to be able to talk to him a lot on the phone. We always have a good time when we are together and yesterday was no exception!!

I am looking forward to the rest of my week that will include more reading, organizing, maybe some shopping, my birthday on Thursday ( I am looking forward to dinner at Tornio's with my hubby) and then on Friday I leave for Louisville, KY to attend the Women of Joy conference with Angela. What a fun week to look forward to!! I am so excited to see both of my children in the same week! I started my fun week spending time with Ben and will finish it off with time with Angela and sandwiched in between is time with my wonderful husband and my birthday!!! How great is that?

Yesterday I went to Murfreesboro to spend some time with my son, Ben. We had a great time despite the fact he got called into work for a few hours. I did his laundry for him (what a great mom I am!!!) while he was working and then he took me to dinner for my birthday (which is Thursday) and then we walked around "The Avenue" for a little while. The day zoomed by and before I knew it I had to leave to come home. As I drove home I couldn't help but wonder where had the time gone. It is hard not seeing him more than I do but I am thankful to be able to talk to him a lot on the phone. We always have a good time when we are together and yesterday was no exception!!
I am looking forward to the rest of my week that will include more reading, organizing, maybe some shopping, my birthday on Thursday ( I am looking forward to dinner at Tornio's with my hubby) and then on Friday I leave for Louisville, KY to attend the Women of Joy conference with Angela. What a fun week to look forward to!! I am so excited to see both of my children in the same week! I started my fun week spending time with Ben and will finish it off with time with Angela and sandwiched in between is time with my wonderful husband and my birthday!!! How great is that?
Friday, March 13, 2009
Fabulous Friday
Snow days are always appreciated, especially in March. We were supposed to get snow and sleet yesterday and last night but it didn't happen the way the weatherman predicted and all we got was a dusting. I guess the school system thought it would be worse than it was and decided to call off school for today. It is hard to realize that just 4 days ago it was 80 degrees and spring fever was being felt by a lot of us. Now, I look out and see a dusting of snow and a temperature of 35 degrees.
I was reminded of the 8 inch snow we had this time last year and how beautiful everything looked with a blanket of fresh snow and had to share these memories.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
One of Those Days.....
Today is one of those days that I am reminded that no matter what is happening in my life there is Someone who knows what I am going through.
I look around me and see the blessings of my life and I am so humbled. I have so many things that I am grateful for:
A God who loves me unconditionally,
A husband who cherishes me,
Children who love me and that I have a wonderful relationship with,
My family,
A church family that is always there for me,
Food on my table, my home, and I could go on and on.
I encourage you to look around you, especially on days when things seem to be all mixed up, and begin to think about all the good things in your life. You will be surprised at how much better you feel when you take your mind off the negative things that may be happening and focus on the good things that are around you everyday.
Saturday, February 7, 2009

The economy; will I have enough money to make it? Job security; do I have it? Marriages crumbling, is mine secure? The welfare of our children; are they okay? Health; am I okay, what about those I love, will they be okay? On and on the list of questions in our lives grow. I seek answers to these and so many more questions in my life.
I think we are all seekers. It is in our nature to want to know. We have become a society to want things quickly. Fast is something we have become accustomed to and when we don’t get it quickly we become irritated and begin looking else where for answers. We turn to the news; according to what you hear or read these days the answers to many of our questions are gloom and doom. We hear then we react accordingly. We become discouraged and depressed. We have a tendency to focus on the bad things in our lives and forget about the good.
Okay, maybe things are tough for you right now but if you would only look out the window, you can find some good. Look at the birds, watch the clouds or stars. Listen for the laughter of children and the rush of the wind. Smell the fragrance after a rain shower, open a bag of chocolate inhale the wonderful aroma then reach in and put a few of these wonderful morsels in your mouth, don’t chew quickly just let them melt in your mouth and enjoy the taste of this delicious treat. Your taste may include something salty as well, so popcorn could be your tasty treat. There are good things all around us; we just have to look for them.
As I was watching the news last night a story came on about the economy. I watched and listened with interest and sadness as the jobless numbers were announced. So many numbers given, so many people and families affected. What caught my attention in this story was the fact that indeed there was a business that was flourishing right now. It is the business of psychics. The news story introduced us to a woman whose business has picked up tremendously over the past few months. People come to her wanting to know what they should do about their money, job situation, will the economy get better, and on and on the questions come. She says that she can tell them exactly what is in store for their lives by reading it in the cards. People are so desperate for answers they will go anywhere and trust anyone.
What has happened to spending time in the Word of God to seek answers? I was reading His word this morning and was once again reminded that the answers for everything that we face in life are given to us in His Word. EVERYTHING. We have to take the time to seek and study His word. So many times we skip this resource because it takes time or even because we think we may not like the answer when we find it. It may require more from us than we are ready to give. We run here and there seeking answers to questions. We trust man to give the answers to us and when we don’t like their answers we run to someone else to seek answers that have a better sound to us.
When will we realize that He has given to us all the answers we will ever need? That there is not a question that He cannot answer. He knows the economy is shaky, He knows that many are sick or lonely, He knows marriages are crumbling, He knows that many are discouraged and hurting. He knows and He cares!!
Trust what you read in His Word. He has the answers!! Spend time with Him, let Him give encouragement and fill you with His Peace.
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