Monday, August 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Johnny!!!!!!!

August is a month of many birthdays in our family. We have had Ben's, Angela's but the biggest birthday in the month of August this year is my brother-in-law's, Johnny. Johnny is Steve's sister's, (Lisa), husband and he is celebrating the big 50 birthday today.

Johnny had a good time helping me celebrate the big 50 birthday this year back in April, so Johnny Fulgham, this one is for YOU!!!!

Happy Birthday!!!!!!

We hope you have had a wonderful day and aren't paybacks fun!!!!

Cheers For 50 Years!!!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Angela!!!!!!!

Today is a very special day in our family, it is the day our first child, Angela Lee was born 26 years ago. Steve and I talk often about how fast these years have flown by. It seems that she was born only yesterday. She has brought us much joy and we are so proud of the young woman she has become. We were able to go to Knoxville this weekend to visit with her and Zach and to be there for part of her special day!!

26 Things About Angela

  1. She is a child of the King
  2. She has had her daddy wrapped around her finger since the day she was born!!!
  3. She has a dimple in her cheek
  4. She has a beautiful smile
  5. She is tall but doesn't play basketball
  6. She is the older sister
  7. She has a wonderful husband
  8. She has a cute little dog
  9. She has been to China three times
  10. She loves to travel
  11. She loves to shop with her mom
  12. She likes to scrap book
  13. She loves Cinderella
  14. She loves her grandparents
  15. She is the oldest grandchild
  16. She loves to read
  17. She is a photographer
  18. She plays piano
  19. She loves football
  20. She likes Tennessee but her heart belongs to Ole Miss
  21. She has a Bachelor's and a Master's Degree
  22. She used to think Lou was her middle name
  23. She is a blogger
  24. She loves the colors pink and purple
  25. She can charm just about anyone with her twinkling eyes and cute smile
  26. She loves to be with her family
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, August 18, 2008

29 Years and Still Counting!!!!!!!

The month of August is always a busy one in our family. It is back to school time and for so many years that was such an exciting time for Angela and Ben and I guess in a way for me too. I had fun taking them for the shopping trip to Wal-Mart for those ever so important school supplies. Ben would go through his list pretty quickly but Angela on the other hand would walk up and down the aisles looking at every style of notebook, pencil, and pencil box, crayon and marker package. She loved the fun of the new supplies; in fact this is something that she still loves. ( She loves to look at markers, papers and any kind of stationary stuff. I guess she comes by this honestly because I love these same kinds of things. She and I have a wonderful time in Hobby Lobby just looking at all the different kinds of scrap booking things.) They would also have much anticipation of their new teacher and which ones of their friends would be in the same class with them. The first day of school was always a picture day and a day they looked forward to.

August also hold birthdays for Angela and Ben. Ben is the first one to celebrate his special day on the 15th even though he is the youngest child. He, even to this day, loves to tease Angela that he is only one year younger than she is even if it is only for nine days. August 24th is the day that our firstborn made her appearance into the world. So as of this writing Ben is 24 and Angela is 25 (soon to be 26). We have a lot of cake to eat in August!!!!

Back to school is fun and birthdays are special but the main event for the month of August is that 29 years ago today, August 18, 1979, I became Mrs. Steve Shaw. I look back at the past 29 years and wonder just where the time went. Steve and I have had our ups and downs over the years but that is to be expected. I am so proud of the man I married and love him more with each passing day. So in honor of 29 years of marriage here are 29 things about our lives together.

29 Years of Happiness

1. We are both children of the King.
2. We both love college football (Ole Miss!!)
3. We both love to hunt, he game hunts, I bargain hunt
4. We love to laugh
5. We have moved 13 times
6. We love cruises
7. We love to sing
8. We appreciate the beauty of creation
9. We love our families
10. We have been to many baseball games
11. We have been to many tennis matches
12. We have been to many piano recitals
13. We have been to many soccer matches
14. We have worked the concession stand
15. We love to go for rides in “little red”
16. We both love sports
17. We are the DREAM TEAM !!!!
18. We love to travel
19. We like to ride 4 wheelers
20. We have been parents of the bride
21. We now have three children
22. We have lived in the city and the country (aka boonies)
23. We take a lot of pictures
24. We are proud of our children
25. We like the Atlanta Braves
26. We like to walk out on our property
27. We still hold hands
28. We pray together
29. Our love is always and forever!!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Ben!!!!!

I grew up always anticipating my birthday. I fact I would and still do start singing Happy Birthday to me on February 2nd, which is a full two months before my actual birthday! I have passed this excitement of birthdays on to my family, and today I am proud to say is my son’s, Ben, 24th birthday.

He gets excited and talks about his birthday in advance just as I do. Something else we have in common is that we are both the second and youngest children in our families and for a short number of days we are only one number year away from our older siblings. My sister, Cathie’s birthday is April 10 and mine is the 2nd. Our birthdays are only 8 days apart. Ben’s birthday is August 15 and Angela will be 26 on the 24th of August, so their birthdays are only 9 days apart. Get this, Steve and his sister are only 10 days apart. I think that is pretty neat!!

When I think of Ben I think of someone who loves his God, his family and is looking forward to what this next year has for him. He has come full circle in many ways and had has many life experiences. I am proud to have him for a son.

In honor of his 24th birthday, here are 24 things about Ben.

1. He is a child of the King
2. He loves life
3. He makes me smile
4. He is a good listener
5. He has gets frustrated in traffic
6. He has a passion for music
7. He plays bass guitar in a praise and worship band
8. He is a part time youth director
9. He loves football
10. He likes to hunt
11. He loves jerky
12. He played baseball for many years
13. He makes others happy
14. He is very compassionate
15. He played soccer
16. He played in the jazz band
17. He has had many jobs
18. He doesn’t like to do laundry
19. He has a contagious laugh
20. He can charm anyone, anytime!!
21. He is very competitive
22. He is the only male Shaw in his generation
23. He has wonderful twinkling eyes
24. He is a wonderful son!!!!!!

Happy Birthday, Ben!!!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Summertime brings us wonderful things like swimming, going to the beach, eating watermelon, vacations, baseball and this year the Olympics. For many people the summer also brings the wonder and fulfillment of growing a garden.

This is one of my husbands favorite things to do. He loves the planning of what to grow, planting, weeding, harvesting and then enjoying the fruits of his labor by eating the wonderful things he has grown. Having a garden in summer is a part of his life. He is from the country where having a garden was something that you just did every summer. On the other side of the coin, I grew up in the city and for me green beans was something you got at the local grocery store from a can. I never realized the difference between store bought and fresh vegetables until I visited his family while we were still dating. They were amazed that I had never eaten fresh veggies and were quick to fix things for me to eat. I have to admit, fresh veggies have a much better flavor. I think part of the better flavor comes from the pride of planting, growing, harvesting and preparing them yourself.

For a long time we didn't live in a place that we could have a garden but since we have moved out to Southside, aka the boonies, we have more than made up for it. We, or maybe I should say, Steve has a good sized garden since the first year we were here. He puts a lot of work into it and we have had many wonderful meals as a result of his labor. This year he planted corn, butter beans, green beans, peppers, squash, tomatoes, okra,watermelon and cantaloupe. I enjoy the bacon and tomato sandwiches, fresh veggies from the garden to the table, the walks we take everyday to look at how things have grown and the satisfaction on Steve's face when he looks at his garden.

There are times though, when I don't want to see him bring in another bucket full of tomatoes, corn, butter beans, etc. because I know that means we have to do something with it. I have to admit that Steve does 80% of the garden stuff. I am just the helper, and that is okay with me!!!

We have had a bountiful garden again this year and I am so happy to be able to share with others what God has blessed us with.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Back to School....

It is hard to realize that it is time for school once again. The summer has gone by so quickly. I have been on the road to Memphis a lot this summer, taken a couple of trips and have been helping Steve work on things from the garden.

For many years I was a stay at home mom, a part of my life that I will look back with fondness but, after my youngest child graduated from high school, I knew I would need something else to help occupy my time. I applied with the Clarksville Montgomery School System and soon I had a job as a part time speech/language therapist.

I have enjoyed working part time for the past six years. The first year back I worked in two middle schools and a Head Start all in two and half days a week. The next year I was moved to Glenellen Elementary School to be the extra person needed in that school. Glenellen is the largest elementary school in our area and had enough of a case load to support a full time therapist and then me on a part time basis. (I was working three days a week at this time. ) I was blessed to meet Kristi Kimmell who was the full time therapist there. I learned a lot from her. We got along well and became good friends. She has since moved to a differen school but not until we had four fun years of working together. Last year a new therapist came in and we got along well but I knew that change would be coming for this school year. A new school had been built and rezoning would bring the numbers down so that only one full time therapist would be needed.

The call from my principal came in July that I would indeed be moving to a new school. I would be going to Norman Smith Elementary School and I would be the only one servicing that school. It seems funny not having someone to collaborate with as the start up procedures are being done. It is also strange not knowing the teachers and staff. I have found myself more than once turning down the wrong hallway, or going past the room I was looking for. I can find my room and the office and restroom but after that I am still kind of lost.

I have been greated warmly at my new school and know that before long I will be able to put names with faces and grade levels together, but for now I feel like some of the little ones I saw this morning, trying not to act afraid or lost but being that anyway!!!!

Just like the children I had opening day jitters today too. It was fun seeing their faces shining with excitment as they looked for their classrooms. Most had new backpacks and supplies that they carried so proudly. I too had a few new things for my classroom. It has been fun fixing up my room, (I have had to share a room in the past) and making it my own.

I look forward to this new school year and the adventures it will bring. I will miss my friends and my children from Glenellen but I am looking forward to the new friends and relationships that I will make in my new school.

Let the new year begin!!!!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Fabulous Friday Returns!!

I am pleased to revive Fabulous Friday!! It has been a long time and I have missed not updating regularly but I hope to start writing a little more often.

Date Night returns for Steve and I today. We used to have a specific date night at least every couple of weeks for many years that would be our date night. We would plan to go to a movie or out to eat, or just go walk around the mall. This was time for just the two of us. It was wonderful to have that special time planned out that would give us time together away from all the distractions and obligations of everyday life.

Tonight we are going to see the new batman movie, The Dark Knight. We used to go out and eat before the movies we would see but we found that left no room for the wonderful movie popcorn and goodies that you can only get at the movie theater. So we are meeting tonight at the theater and our dinner will consist of movie popcorn with extra butter, diet coke, and some kind of candy to follow for dessert. I have been looking forward to this all day!!

If you don’t have Date Night as a part of your relationship, I encourage you to do so. Things can become so busy and we can get focused on other parts of our lives that sometimes we take for granted the relationship we have with the ones we love the most.