The month of August is always a busy one in our family. It is back to school time and for so many years that was such an exciting time for Angela and Ben and I guess in a way for me too. I had fun taking them for the shopping trip to Wal-Mart for those ever so important school supplies. Ben would go through his list pretty quickly but Angela on the other hand would walk up and down the aisles looking at every style of notebook, pencil, and pencil box, crayon and marker package. She loved the fun of the new supplies; in fact this is something that she still loves. ( She loves to look at markers, papers and any kind of stationary stuff. I guess she comes by this honestly because I love these same kinds of things. She and I have a wonderful time in Hobby Lobby just looking at all the different kinds of scrap booking things.) They would also have much anticipation of their new teacher and which ones of their friends would be in the same class with them. The first day of school was always a picture day and a day they looked forward to.
August also hold birthdays for Angela and Ben. Ben is the first one to celebrate his special day on the 15th even though he is the youngest child. He, even to this day, loves to tease Angela that he is only one year younger than she is even if it is only for nine days. August 24th is the day that our firstborn made her appearance into the world. So as of this writing Ben is 24 and Angela is 25 (soon to be 26). We have a lot of cake to eat in August!!!!
Back to school is fun and birthdays are special but the main event for the month of August is that 29 years ago today, August 18, 1979, I became Mrs. Steve Shaw. I look back at the past 29 years and wonder just where the time went. Steve and I have had our ups and downs over the years but that is to be expected. I am so proud of the man I married and love him more with each passing day. So in honor of 29 years of marriage here are 29 things about our lives together.
29 Years of Happiness1. We are both children of the King.
2. We both love college football (Ole Miss!!)
3. We both love to hunt, he game hunts, I bargain hunt
4. We love to laugh
5. We have moved 13 times
6. We love cruises
7. We love to sing
8. We appreciate the beauty of creation
9. We love our families
10. We have been to many baseball games
11. We have been to many tennis matches
12. We have been to many piano recitals
13. We have been to many soccer matches
14. We have worked the concession stand
15. We love to go for rides in “little red”
16. We both love sports
17. We are the DREAM TEAM !!!!
18. We love to travel
19. We like to ride 4 wheelers
20. We have been parents of the bride
21. We now have three children
22. We have lived in the city and the country (aka boonies)
23. We take a lot of pictures
24. We are proud of our children
25. We like the Atlanta Braves
26. We like to walk out on our property
27. We still hold hands
28. We pray together
29. Our love is always and forever!!