Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Spring Break

I have had fun the past two days enjoying spring break. Our school system usually ties our week long break in with Easter, either the week before or after. This year with Easter being so early, it is the week after. My sweet husband has let me sleep in the past two mornings and has made me extra coffee to enjoy. It has been colder again and so much fun to wake up and snuggle in my favorite blue robe and drink my morning coffee not feeling rushed to do anything.

I did go get my sweet Pepper, who was being boarded at the vet and run a few errands yesterday and today I went into town to get my hair done. I was also going to get my new driver’s license picture done but there were like 50 people in the information line so I decided to come home and take a nap and do things that are fun. The rest of the week I plan to scrapbook, do laundry, sleep, maybe clean out a drawer or two, watch old movies and read!!

I think it is a very sad thing that everyone doesn't get a spring break!!!!


The weekend was fun but different. Steve and I were able to leave early on Friday to go down to his parents in Mississippi, which has been a tradition for Easter weekend for a very long time. All their children and grandchildren have made this trip for many years. This year, however, was very different for all of us. This was our first year without having Angela, Zach and Ben there with us. I have been through many firsts as the years have gone by but this first was hard. Angela and Zach couldn’t come because of the time and distance it would take for them to get there and Ben had to work. So it was just Steve and I taking the trip from Clarksville to Eupora this year.

It is amazing how God will work out the details of a situation if you let Him.As the days before Easter approached I began to think about
the Easter Bunny and wondered how he would get the goodies for Easter to the children. He reminded me of the US Mail and on Thursday of last week he fixed boxes to send to each one, green grass and all!! Then I thought how can family pictures be made and pictures of the grandchildren taken? I realized that pictures can be made anywhere and we had them take a picture and email it to us. As all the seemingly small details worked themselves out one by one, I was reminded that even though not being together for Easter was not really a big deal in the scheme of things, the hurt in my heart was just as real to Him as it was to me. I also realized that no matter how seemingly big or small the reason for heartache that my
Heavenly Father knows and is ready to help me through.

I have wonderful group of friends that meet together each month for a time of fellowship and sharing. As I shared my heart with them on Thursday about the upcoming weekend, I asked for them to pray for me during this time. I truly felt the prayers of my friends! Yes, it was hard for me but I think even harder for Steve’s mom because not only were Angela, Zach and Ben not there but also her daughter and her family could not come because of illness. God in His faithfulness helped us through this time.

Easter morning was a lot calmer than usual, we made it to sunrise service, breakfast at the church, going back home for a short time and then back to church to hear the Easter cantata. We came home and took pictures,(it didn’t take nearly as long), then we ate a wonderful dinner, took a nap, watched basketball and then Steve and I loaded up and made our way home. I was able to talk with them via cell phone and text messaging. Hearing their voices helped a lot!!!!

How could I stay sad knowing that the day was meant to celebrate our Risen Savior!!! Knowing that the grave couldn’t hold my King and that He is Alive forever more!!! What joy fills my soul! Thank You Jesus!!!!

The Shaw family

(minus Angela, Zach, Ben, Deborah,
Randy and Christopher)

Friday, March 21, 2008

Fabulous Friday

A Tribute to Spring

F- The Flowers are making their appearances after sleeping all winter.

A- The Amazing colors that are seen. Bright blues, yellows and vibrant greens.

B- My Birthday is coming; I may never stop yacking about it. I love birthdays!!

U- My Umbrella is in demand as spring brings April showers.

L- A time to remember my risen Savior and bask in His Love.

O- Listening to the Orchestra of music presented by the birds as they return.

U- Spring Ushers in the feelings of new beginnings!

S- Time for turkey Season!!!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Fabulous Friday (one week late)

Last Friday I found myself in White House Tennessee helping to celebrate the grand opening of yet another Wal-Mart store. I love to attend these grand openings. I have been doing so for the past 27 years. That is how long Steve has been with Wal-Mart ( actually his anniversary date is June 13th).

I stand with pride as currents of excitement run through the crowd. There is a mummer of voices as customers mingle with associates and local dignitaries that are in attendance. I find myself looking for Steve as he prepares to do his role in the grand opening ceremony itself. His role has changed over the years from being an assistant manager, co-manager, store manager and now market manager.

A hush falls over the crowd as the store manager stands at the podium ready to begin the festivities. The grand opening always begins with presentation of our American flag and singing of the national anthem. This time a chapter of the local Boy Scouts presented our flag and someone from a local radio station sang our national anthem. As I stand listening, I am once again thankful and feel much pride in my country and what it stands for. I think of Mr. Sam and his obvious love of this country which has been instilled in Wal-Mart traditions. He was a man with a dream, he worked hard, and because of him following this dream, we have Wal-Mart. I think he must smile every time a new store opens.

The singing was completed and next was a prayer from a local pastor from the area. I am so thankful to be in a country where prayers can be offered freely. As he finished, more introductions were made. The city and county mayors spoke briefly welcoming Wal-Mart to the community. They made known their thanks for what Wal-Mart does for the community besides employing over 320 people. At this particular opening Wal-Mart had given over 16,000 dollars to various charities and organizations in the White House area.

It was then time for Steve to say a few words, as I watched this man speak with pride about Wal-Mart, my heart skipped a beat. He is so handsome, I thought to myself. I love the way his eyes sparkle as he talked with excitement about the new features in this store. “This store has a new layout and new fixtures”, he said,” I know this community will enjoy what it has to offer. We are excited to be here in White House Tennessee.” There was applause from the customers as well as the associates.

Things were beginning to wind down but you can't have an opening without the Wal-Mart cheer and the ribbon cutting. The clapping began by the associates and the customers soon got caught up in the excitement and they were also clapping. “Give me a W”, someone shouted “W” was yelled back, “Give me an A”, “A”, “L”, “L”, “Give me a squiggly”, “Squiggly” (which is accompanied by a wiggly, twisty motion), this continued on with the M A R T, and then," what does that spell? In which the answer was yelled “WAL-MART”. I just love to hear and be a part of that cheer!

Next, they lined up Wal-Mart associates who had been with the company for over 20 years, the local dignitaries and the store manager. A long red ribbon with a large bow was stretched in front of them. They were give a large pair of scissors and the next thing you know the ribbon had been cut and store number #4483, White House Tennessee was officially open. It is the 110th store in the state of Tennessee.

Customers were then given pieces of cake while the local high school band started to play. The atmosphere was electric and everyone was smiling and excited. The customers began their adventures in this newest Wal-Mart. It was great to see people with shopping carts looking and buying in this new store.

The associates have worked hard and were very proud of their Wal-Mart store.

And so am I!!!!!!

Fabulous Friday

I had to include another picture of the snowfall from last weekend. It too, reminds me of some of the words He has spoken.

Isiah 30:21 Your ears will hear a word behind you, "This is the way, walk in it, whenever you turn to the left or the right."

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Snowy Saturday

What an amazing Saturday this has been so far! We woke up to a blanket of snow on the ground. I am always so awed by the sight of freshly fallen snow. It looks so beautiful and tranquil. It covered tree branches as well as things on the deck. Yesterday the skies were gray and gloomy all day. We had rain, sleet and snow. Last night we even lost power at our house. I had to laugh as to how many times I tried to turn on a light, even though I knew we didn’t have power.

But when I woke up this morning, there was the new untouched snow. The birds were out at the bird feeder not seeming to mind the cold or the snow. The sky was a vibrant blue with the sun sparkling on the beautiful white snow. I am reminded of the verse from Isaiah 1:18 that says: “Come now, and let us reason together, says the Lord. Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be like wool.” Once again I am reminded of His forgiveness of sins. What a wonderful God we have, I am once again renewed and refreshed in the beauty I see in His creation.

Steve and I went out for a ride in the snow on the four wheeler. We rode to the back of our property and then walked along the back creek to the water fall. Everywhere we looked was beautiful. We saw the blanket of snow covering everything. However the sun was making its presence know because the snow started to melt while we were out. We saw tracks made by deer, squirrels, and rabbits. We saw the footprints that we had made and the tracks of the four wheeler itself. We had fun walking and sliding around on the snow covered hillsides.

We took the camera and ended up taking around 80 pictures. We would look one way and take a picture and then we would look the other way and take more pictures. It was so pretty and we knew that snow doesn’t come often, so we wanted to capture this beauty while we had the

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Sunny Saturday

Today is Saturday and in Southside Tennessee the sun is shining and the sky is a very beautiful blue. It is a perfect reminder that spring is coming. Spring is my favorite time of year. It is a season full of promises and new beginnings. I wonder what new things are in store for me and my family this spring?

Just a few days ago, I thought that I might be preparing for spring without my faithful Pepper. The first part of the week, he seemed so lifeless and no energy. But, he is doing so much better; he is eating a little more, has a little more pep (no pun intended!) in his step and is even begging for people food! Steve and I are encouraged but we also know that he might not be here much longer. The kidney failure cannot be reversed but hopefully it will slow down so we can have more time with him. I am thankful for each day and I feel a little more prepared for the day we no longer have him.

Spring also brings the wonderful sound of the birds. I love to hear them chirp and sing their beautiful songs. These songs fill me with joy, hope and reassurance. Many mornings I am given a showcase of color and beauty as well as a symphony in song as I watch them at the feeders in my back yard.

I also love the flowers that bloom in the spring. My favorite flowers are buttercups. I have already seen a few blooming!! The colors and fragrances that flowers give us are some of my favorite things even though I am not a flower grower. That is Steve’s department. He loves to work outside in the yard or in our garden that he is already thinking about. I love the flowers, I just don’t care for the dirt that you have to grow them in, I just don’t like to get dirty. Something that I might add, I have passed on to Angela; she would come in as a little girl with dirty hands and say, “Wash it, wash it”, looking down at her hands. Sorry Angela1

Here’s to spring and the wonderful things that it brings!!!